Thu, 11 May
|Thatcher Business Education Centre
OxCAN Conference 2023 (rescheduled)
A conference to empower and mobilise alumni and guests to make personal climate choices and take community climate action.
Time & Location
11 May 2023, 09:30 – 16:00
Thatcher Business Education Centre, Said Business School, Park End St, Oxford OX1 1HP
About The Event
The conference will feature speakers covering a range of topics including the following:
- Dr Andrew Lee - Chartered geographer and fellow of the Royal Geographical Society
- Dr Susann Stritzke, Chief Group Coordinator, NDL Renewables: 'Sustainable Tourism? Our Choices
- Verity Bell - Public, planning and environmental law barrister at Cornerstone Barristers, London.
- Michal Fonea - Co-founder of Material Future, a clean energy company, Michal was Senior Manager at the UN’s responsible investors network, and holds an MSc in Environmental Policy from Kellogg.
- Emma Burnett - doctoral researcher at the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience at Coventry University
- Ian McLachlan - writer, environmental activist and founding member of Poets for the Planet. He co-produced the ecopoetry show Earthsong, which was performed at COP26 by 18 poets from 5 continents in 11 different languages.
- Rhiannon Evetts - As Wild Oxfordshire’s Nature Recovery Engagement Officer, her work involves connecting communities and inidividuals to nature and inspiring best practice for nature recovery across the county.
- ClimArts is a platform to bring together climate experts with artists to create evidence-based climate stories. Founded by Neelambaree Prasad, an alumnus of Oxford along with her co-founder Kripa Iyer, ClimArts will present a dance based creative presentation, on rivers and floods.
- Laurence Warner - singer-songwriter-rapper who's Snowflakes in SoCal! a (temperature's getting) high school musical is inspired by his Fulbright scholarship on technology dependence.
OXCAN will also be launching its Just One Step campaign at the conference. We are inviting our alumni and guests to come and listen to our inspirational speakers, and then to pledge ‘Just One Step’ they will make to support personal or community climate change action. (Feel free to pledge more than one step if you want to).
In the autumn will be checking in with alumni and guests to see how their pledges are working and what impact they are having.
All tickets include lunch plus refreshments upon arrival, mid-morning and mid-afternoon.
20 minutesRegistration & refreshments
10 minutesWelcome & housekeeping